The series is illustrated by Olga Titova; a graphic designer and illustrator who attended the Moscow Institute of Arts and Culture for graphic design.  Since 2019, she has been primarily engaged in children's book illustrations.  The images below are a small peek into the creative, artistic process…

The Art


A Peek into the Process…

Step 1: The Storyboard - Each book is 20 pages in length, and the storyboard is the first step in bringing the written word to life!

Step 2: Sketch - The illustration begins to take shape, as characters and environments come to life, in the form of a detailed sketch.

Step 3: Color Palette - The color scheme captures the emotion of the moment, with just the right color, hue, tint, tone, and shade.

Step 4: Final Illustration - Once some final touches are applied, the final illustration is ready for assembly and published work!

Very First Conceptual Illustration December 2021